Minimum System Requirements - 233 mhz Power Mac running at least system 8.0 Pentium II 233 mhz or better 64 MB RAM (32 FREE), 128 MB suggested QuickTime 4 INTERNET CONNECTION/WEB BROWSER - Our Internet link is designed to work with your operating system (OS). If your OS has a standard setup, your web browser should open automatically when the "Web Page" button is clicked from our program. An Internet connection should simultaneously be initiated. You must have your own Internet provider, we do not provide this service. If your browser window opens but stays in the background, quit and restart your browser. PERFORMANCE TIPS - This presentation contains several minutes of digital video and other interactive content that can be very demading on your computer system. This presentaion is going to play best on computers with 128 MB or more of RAM, but it may run with a little delay on computers with only 64 MB, depending on the computer's hardware and software configuration. WINDOWS95/98/2000/ME - Our software can be very demanding on your system. We do not recommend multitasking or launching other applications while our program is running. Should this CD fail to AutoStart, open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer), navigate to the "Unwrap the Magic" CD and double-click Start.exe.